Ozark Cafe

Kimberly's Efforts

Back To Basics

Life has been crazy. There have been too many commitments, too many projects, and too many distractions and responsibilities. My time spent finding peace through my photography-triggered travel has been severely curtailed. It’s time to reprioritize my time and get back to the basics that fuel my soul.

Late Lunch (8 images)



43.977913, -75.946287

This what3words address refers to a 3 metre square location. Tap the link or enter the 3 words into the free what3words app to find it.

You Are Treasured (2 images)

There are so many people who do so much, seeking absolutely nothing in return. Remuneration and recognition never enter their minds. They simply care about others and act accordingly.

You all know who you are.

Thank you for being the best of all of us. You are treasured.

The Family Farm

As I often do when traveling through and near Philadelphia, NY, I decided to check in on the dairy farm, formerly owned and operated by my Grandparents, Beatrice and Merrill Tryon. They had moved away many years ago and as the years passed since that time, the once-loved and meticulously maintained farm gradually declined. Each trip I make past the farm floods me with wonderful memories and simultaneously breaks my heart to see what now remains. This particular visit was especially painful.

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